It’s 10 am on a Monday morning at the iboothme office. But like always it’s all work and a good time.

The team has a landed a gig from Burger King. The deadline is next to impossible. Create an attractive mobile game development in less than one week? What does the team think? No problem is the reply.

Day 1:

The team has just heard about the brief from Burger King mobile game development for an in-store activation promo. It needs to be big, exciting and engaging.  But there’s no time to celebrate or procrastinate. Big ideas need to start rolling and fast. So everyone huddles around the brainstorming table. Some ideas are tossed around in the air. Most are mercilessly killed. A few make it to the whiteboard. And only one survives. Now it’s over to next stage.

Day 2:

The mechanics of the mobile game are fine-tuned, aligned and approved. The design team gets ready to play. How do you make it colorful and striking? What makes it stand out? How will it be memorable? Every question needs an answer and more importantly, the game needs to be interesting at every level. The look and feel are cracked and it’s time to move to the next level on the mobile game development.

Day 3 & 4:

The designs are in place. But a game is a game only when you can play it. So it’s time for the mobile game development team to hack and crack their way in. The deadline for one week is fast approaching. Will it be ready in time? The Studio 94 team is positive as always.

Day 5:

It’s testing time. The team plays the game to fix the bugs and glitches. After a few hours of solid gaming and testing, the game is ready to roll. And that too under a week!

Now it’s time to see what the audience think. The game is shipped to the location. And as the crowds queue up to play, the results are heart-warming. The deadline has been met. The objective has been achieved. The data has been collected. Everyone is a winner.

Check out the process of how we create a mobile game development for Burger King in less than one week. Watch the video here.

Have a challenging brief for an engaging activation or create a fun game? Talk to us at iboothme.

Our team is always ready for a good challenge for any game development. We will brainstorm, develop and execute your next big idea to perfection. Why wait? Get in touch with us now.