
The year 2020 was challenging for the entire sector, but most particularly events activation.

Public gatherings are banned. Social distancing becomes the new norm. So how do you get people to come closer while staying apart? How you let your prospects interact with your brand and communicate your marketing? How do you make a viable solution at a time when marketing budgets are at uncertain lows? And can any solution be as engaging as or even better than what we were used to before?

So many questions naturally turned us to develop a powerful virtual solution. We wanted to bring all the power of iboothme in one simple link.



Brands have cash to spend on their marketing. They spent but not anymore in physical activation. Indeed, you can notice that brands are massively investing on social media ads. But did you notice how boring are the ads?

So, let’s go with the new flow and give some life to those social media ads.

We have developed for that iboothme Virtual Photo Booth. A result of bold innovative thinking powered by our ground-breaking photo booth technology. The Virtual Photo Booth lets you take your event to virtually any corner of the earth. And more importantly to the right audience, anytime and anywhere.

You can also personalize the visual style to meet your brand’s requirement. It even lets you collect the details of users for all your future marketing campaigns. And the best part is, in the same experience, you can also create a virtual quiz, entertaining games, mosaic, live streaming, lottery. You will be able to interact the way you want to entertain and communicate your marketing.



The Virtual Photo Booth by iboothme is an instant hit. We’ve received more orders and inquiries than we targeted. And the numbers are only growing. We’ve also had clients telling how much they love it. And they even left us some lovely notes of appreciation.

Have a look at why some of our clients love the Virtual Photo Booth by iboothme. Watch the video.


Don’t let COVID-19 stop your next event. Get the Virtual Photo Booth now. 

It’s easy to customize. It’s engaging. It’s effective. And it gives you a huge bang for your buck. Want to know how you can maximize the potential of the Virtual Photo Booth. Our team at iboothme will be happy to brainstorm and inspire you with new ideas. Get in touch now.

Youssef Kibbe
Founder of iboothme

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