Most brands treat photo booths just like one big camera to click one big photo. The result is a total lack of creativity. But did you know that you can works wonders if you actually had an innovative photo booth?

At iboothme, we always insist that every photo booth should be used to its full potential. And nothing less. It’s the only way you can drive your marketing message a lot further and for you to get more bang for your buck.

How iboothme put customers in the driver’s seat for GMC.

When GMC wanted to promote its campaign for the Desert Fox using the tagline #RetroLikeAPro, we knew it had to be something visually engaging and innovative. So we decided to give people a chance to drive through the past and yet be in the future. By creating a vintage clip and a green screen, we got people to make their own vintage videos in front of the photo booth. More importantly, we made it seem like you were actually driving in a Desert Fox through Dubai. This wasn’t just a random photo. This was special and realistic and more importantly a lot of fun. High quality photos were printed instantly and video clips were generated with the message as well.

The results were outstanding. Hundreds of people lined up to get their own personalized retro videos. Moreover, our plan of turning the photo booth into a platform for telling stories, collecting data and pushing the brand message further was achieved successfully.


Discover how iboothme took people on a special, engaging and timeless journey for GMC using a creative and innovative photo booth. View video here. 

Accelerating data collection 

We got everyone to enter their details in order to receive the photo and the video clip. A digital copy was sent to their email along with the marketing message from GMC to reinforce and further entice the prospect. The database created is a priceless treasure for all of GMC’s future marketing efforts.

Looking for an innovative photo booth for your next brand activation? Talk to us at iboothme.

Our techno-marketers are always ready to help you brainstorm on creative visual solutions. We develop our software as well as our hardware to suit your needs, budgets and marketing plans. And remember, the best photo booth ideas happen when you think out of the booth.  Talk to us now: +971 444 88 563 or visit us at