The perfume strategy

Within my experience of 13 years in the marketing field, I have seen many ways for a brand to market their products.  Most of the activations have an aggressive approach that I call the “Perfume Strategy”. For whom who had the chance to visit malls in the UAE, when by mistake you approach by 2 meters a perfume stand, suddenly out of nowhere a guy jumps on you like a Ninja and spray you out and ask you to buy! Just like this!  

 And next time when I approach a stand I take my precaution and plan to walk far, far away from them.  By having this physical reaction I am unconsciously creating a barrier with the brand. I am sure you have experienced this type of situation.

So what will happen here? You will physically and mentally experience an aggression, and that aggression will let your brain block the brand. That’s right, by doing an aggressive approach during your activations you will have high chance to let your prospects have a bad experience and link it to your brand. Can you imagine that? And your goal was to promote that brand…

What is the best strategy then?

  • Provide a unique experience to your prospects, and amaze them in order for them to open their heart to your brand
  • Once the connection is made, you will have then and only then fully communicate your marketing message
  • Increase your sales by providing them, for example, an Ecoupon, or a participation in a lottery

We want traffic!

The more people drop by your shop or E-commerce website, the more chances you can convert a visit into a sale – it’s simple, but not easy, especially in a market as competitive as Dubai. Do you have a shop, at a hidden location in a mall? Well, that’s not any issue we can make your shop busy! So how can you increase footfall, brand awareness, and sales at the same time?

As a marketer, what can you do to generate better footfall and boost your sales? You’ve got to be a guerrilla marketer. And marketing is our game here at iboothme.

Our engaging solution helps you attract customers                                                          

The creatives and developers at iboothme bring an exciting new way to help businesses attract more customers: creative visual digital solutions. How, you ask? Check out our video below:

Basically, any product at iboothme can be developed into a fully customized visual marketing and e-coupon solution to help your business gain more traffic in your shop or in your E-commerce website.

Place our photo booth outside your shop, and let your guests enjoy themselves by having a unique visual experience. The visuals will be instantly sent to their personal emails via a marketing microsite. Inside that marketing microsite, your prospects will find an auto-generated digital coupon that can be availed exclusively at your boutique or shop. I invite you here t view a microsite example done for Mercedes: View Mercedes microsite

Let your prospects visit you and turn them into client

Your guests will be then invited to visit any of your shop in Dubai to discover if they are the lucky winner. This will help create a buzz around your brand, and increase the footfall in your shops. In that situation everyone will be a winner and will receive for example a 10% discount to use within 1 month, this strategy will help to boost your sales.

Our tracking system will inform you how many users have visited your shop and have participated in the competition.

It is simple, attractive, and effective!

A targeted marketing approach for your business

Whether you are looking to increase traffic for multiple branches or a single boutique, iboothme can customise the perfect visual marketing package for you, and work on a unique digital marketing plan.

Contact us today at +971 4 44 88 563 or shoot us an email at