Say bye-bye to the green screen set-up during your photo booth activations ??

You have to comprehend to let your brand enter the mind of your prospects; you need to offer something they have never experienced.

iboothme recently launched an A.I. background removal photo booth for Adidas during the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, which was an absolute winner. As a result, you will no longer require any green screen to transport your guest to another world.

Here’s why the A.I. background removal photo booth is the G.O.A.T.

  1. It has a studio result.
    Like Messi, the A.I. background removal photo booth outperforms your expectations as a professional studio photoshoot. No matter the location, or the scenario, it will generate mind-blowing photo booth experience results. And, of course, your guest won’t see any green screen so they won’t predict the result!

  2. It creates emotions around the brand.
    iboothme developed an amazing photo booth experience for Adidas that does not exist. Instead, we allowed the guests to create stunning FIFA badges related to the moment’s interest: The world cup. We have linked the emotion of the world cup to the brand.
    See how the new iboothme A.I. background removal photo booth came to life for Adidas at the World Cup. View video here

  3. It’s a game-changer
    When you need to stand out, you need to change the game. So skip the boring photo booths and add more innovation to your event with this unique photo booth. It promises to deliver an unforgettable experience that everyone will remember.

Need the iboothme A.I. background removal photo booth to win over your clients? Get in touch:

We promise a champion performance just like Messi would.